What is Naltrexone Used For?
In 2021, there were over 100,000 overdose-related deaths in the US alone and opioid use is the primary driver of these tragedies. Opioids—also called narcotics—are natural or synthetic drugs made to reduce pain. The class of drugs includes prescription pain relievers...
Synthetic Drugs and Fake Prescription Pills: What You Should Know
In 2020, the CDC reported that drug overdose deaths reached a record high of 93,331, with many related to illicit and synthetic drugs such as fentanyl. From synthetic drugs to fake prescription pills, our world is not only suffering from the effects of the COVID-19...
Overdose Awareness: Understanding Overdose and Its Effects
August 31 is recognized as International Overdose Awareness Day. Throughout the month, we recognize the devastating impacts of overdose by remembering those who have lost their lives due to substance abuse. Whether accidental or intentional, overdose occurs when...
Alcohol Use Disorder: What You Need to Know
Alcohol use disorder is a form of substance abuse and addiction that affects an estimated 15 million people in the United States. Alcohol use disorder, also known as alcoholism, can have a devastating effect on an individual’s personal life and relationships with...