Know the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack

Know the Symptoms of an Anxiety Attack

Did you know that 40 million adults in the U.S. are affected by anxiety disorders? That’s 18.1% of the adult population. Additionally, 25.1% of children between 13 and 18 years old are affected by some form of anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common...
Overdose Awareness: Understanding Overdose and Its Effects

Overdose Awareness: Understanding Overdose and Its Effects

August 31 is recognized as International Overdose Awareness Day. Throughout the month, we recognize the devastating impacts of overdose by remembering those who have lost their lives due to substance abuse. Whether accidental or intentional, overdose occurs when...
Alcohol Use Disorder: What You Need to Know

Alcohol Use Disorder: What You Need to Know

Alcohol use disorder is a form of substance abuse and addiction that affects an estimated 15 million people in the United States. Alcohol use disorder, also known as alcoholism, can have a devastating effect on an individual’s personal life and relationships with...
The 6 Types of Psychotherapy

The 6 Types of Psychotherapy

Do you ever feel too overwhelmed or anxious to deal with your problems? If so, you’re not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 51.5 million adults in the United States experienced depression, anxiety, or another mental...
5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind

5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind

Whether you’re looking to do a routine spring cleaning or decluttering to simplify your life, it is a monumental job to take on all at once. Similar to the clutter in your house, there is a lot to conquer in decluttering your mind. From holding onto clothes that...