Referral for Admission
If you’re struggling with mental health, drug, or alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Seeking treatment is a great first step. Modern Psychiatry and Wellness offers various treatment options and will work with you to create a plan built for you.
Our treatment process begins with the client meeting with an intake provider who listens in order to understand their specific challenges, symptoms, and treatment history.
Family or Friend
Encouraging a family member or friend to seek help with addiction or mental health issues can be difficult as they may not recognize they have a problem. At Modern Psychiatry and Wellness, we provide various treatment and recovery options for mental health and addiction as well as support for repairing relationships. If you believe that your family member or friend is struggling, please reach out to our team today.
Our treatment process begins with the client meeting with an intake provider who listens in order to understand their specific challenges, symptoms, and treatment history.
Community Partners
Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, Courts, Spiritual Leaders, Lawyers
Modern Psychiatry and Wellness works with all federal, state, county, and community organizations to create a safe place for recovery and treatment. Through assessment, counseling, detoxification, and personalized treatment, our goal is to assist individuals as they achieve sobriety and wellness across all 8 dimensions. Modern Psychiatry and Wellness offers multiple types of treatment and can provide progress reports of active recovery. To refer someone within your local community, please contact us today.
Our treatment process begins with the client meeting with an intake provider who listens in order to understand their specific challenges, symptoms, and treatment history.
Our Locations
1910 Fairgrove Avenue,
Hamilton, OH 45011
P. (513) 795-7557
F. (513) 737-4603
Monday – Friday | 8am – 5pm
Adults Only
7162 Liberty Centre Dr,
Liberty Township, OH 45069
P. (513) 494-4MPW
F. (513) 755-2700
Monday – Friday | 8am – 5pm
Kids and Adults
New Client Information
Call (513) 494-4MPW
Nursing/Medication Refill
Call (513) 299-4095
Contact Us today
If you have questions regarding treatment, billing, scheduling an appointment, or just want to say hello—fill out the form below, and we will be in touch. If this is an emergency or crisis, please call 911 immediately.
No Insurance?
Modern Psychiatry and Wellness serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. Please contact us to learn more about care assistance.
Thank You
Modern Psychiatry and Wellness atiende a todos los pacientes independientemente de su capacidad de pago. Se ofrecen descuentos para servicios esenciales según el tamaño de la familia y los ingresos. Comuníquese con nosotros para obtener más información sobre la asistencia para el cuidado.